When Nate was in 7th grade, he took his first trip with Oil Belt to Discovery Ministries for a wilderness experience. It forever changed his life.
He started researching gear and hikers and search and rescue and the list goes on and on. Eventually he received his WFR (Wilderness First Responder) certification at the age of 16. He became our family guide into the deep parts of mountains for many years.
I knew very early on that I had to prepare my own pack for our trips; that was one of the rules, everyone doing his or her own part. I also knew that he knew way more than me, so I asked him for guidance every time. Why wouldn’t I go to the one who knows more than me?
He also showed me time and time again while we were on trail how to best navigate whatever came our way. Fording cold water creeks with currents that terrified me never phased him one bit. So he would take my pack across and then come back for me. I found him to be a constant source of encouragement, urging me forward every step of the way and never giving up on me when I found so many times that I wanted to give up on myself.
As I was spending quiet time with the Lord this morning, He reminded me of something He has been speaking over me a lot for many months now. I was telling God that sometimes I feel so lost and lonely, and He immediately spoke this truth:
“My child, remember what I first told you back in March. I know you want to know how this is all going to play out. I know you feel the need to see what lies ahead. But you either trust me or you don’t. And if you trust me, you need not know anything more than that I am leading and you should follow. With every step of the way, I know where we’re going. You need only to see my backside and I will take you all the way home. Don’t try to peek around my shoulder. Just stay on the path right behind me, and I will be with you as your constant companion. I am truly all you need.”
He then gave me the vision of Him and I walking up a mountain path. The way was difficult. I knew I had to keep a close eye on my footing so I wouldn’t slip and fall. God then showed me how He has been using all my times with Nate in the mountains to show me how to live like this.
Just like I always went to Nate to ask him how to prepare my pack, I must go to the Lord every day to ask Him how to prepare for my day. Just like I always trusted Nate to get me to the trail head, to get me to the summit, to get me to the end, I must also trust God to lead me through it all. And just like Nate always led me across every water crossing as a close and intimate guide, I can trust God to come and take my pack across when I cannot do it myself. I can trust Him to then come back across and meet me where I am standing paralyzed in fear so He can help me through the things He knows are good for me. Things that will get me to where He needs me to go. Experiences that show me how much He is for me and not against me, even when the water seems to be raging and the first step in means a freezing cold shock that I must brace myself for.
With God as my guide, all things truly are possible. I don’t need to see what lies ahead; I need only to see Him. And when I let Him lead, I am then more free to look around to my left and right and fully enjoy the view.
So Lord, I want to be all in. I want to go wherever you take me. I want to wake up each day and say, “Where You lead me, I will follow. I’ll go with You, with You all the way.”