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Love Packages: Will You Help Change Lives?


When we were making preparations for last year’s trip to Love Packages, Mr. Steve suggested a Bible Drive. We put out information about collecting Bibles and other Christian literature with no

goal and took a healthy amount of resources with us.

This year, I knew we were supposed to set a goal for Bibles specifically. As I prayed, the first number I had was 1000. As God and I talked, I mentioned that 1000 may scare people so I asked Him about 500. I was more than willing to go with 1000 if He said yes to that number, but He affirmed that we could do 500 and trust Him to do His will.

We took 1052 Bibles.

While at Love Packages, Mr. Steve told me about a deal they have currently been offered. If they raise enough money to buy 3 truckloads (375,000) New Testaments (large print) at the price of $0.32/each plus shipping, they will also receive (for free) 45,000 ESV complete Bibles. They are $29,000 shy of their goal.

For every dollar a person donates, over 3 lives will be forever impacted for the kingdom. If a person is willing to spare $100 (don’t go out to eat a few times), he or she will put a Bible in the hands of 312 people, many of which will share that Bible with numerous others. Such a huge impact for such a low commitment on our behalf.

I have been praying. I asked God to give us a goal. He took me back to the goal for the Bible drive, only he added a zero to the equation. I believe, with the Bibles, He granted me permission to move the bar down to 500, knowing He would then prove faithful so that this time around I would know we have no need to move any bar because He is more than faithful.

Will you join with us in raising $10,000 by Easter so God can bless 31,000+ lives? It’s not as daunting as you think. Most of us can spare $100 this month. We have over 50 families in Mission III alone and those families are scattered amongst numerous churches. It only takes 100 families giving $100 to meet our goal.

Isaiah 55:11 says, “So is my Word that goes out from my mouth; it will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

I wish you could personally hear the stories of the countless people Mr. Steve’s ministry has blessed. I wish you could meet the man who had copied the book of Matthew and couldn’t grasp that he was now being given his very own Bible to keep and didn’t have to try to copy as much of it as he could before the pastors left. I wish you could hear about the man who came to know Christ through a piece of literature that had four main points and for years that is all he had to teach from, but he never wasted an opportunity to share those four sermons over and over and over again until he too finally got a copy of God’s Holy Word.

I cannot imagine my life without my Bible. Oh, what an invaluable gift it is. So I am asking you to consider donating whatever God lays on your heart so we can grant His Word, the gift of Him, to countless others.

If you choose to donate, you can write a check to Love Packages and give it to me. You can also send cash in an envelope and write Love Packages on the outside. I will collect until March 25th before sending out donations to Mr. Steve.

I pray you consider how you can help. Even if you cannot give much yourself, will you ask your friends? Your church? Your family? I truly believe that if people can know how little it takes to impact so many, we will be moved, as the body of Christ, to send the lifeline of His Word to our brothers and sisters all around the world.

Believing He Will Make It Happen,

Ms. Lesa

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